Orange Teleflora Ruffled Bowl

Vendor: The{m}
LE 3,850.00
LE 3,850.00

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Orange Teleflora Ruffled Bowl

Orange Teleflora Ruffled Bowl

LE 3,850.00

Orange Teleflora Ruffled Bowl

LE 3,850.00

An eclectic 1970s gem. Handcrafted in Italy, with care and precision by skilled artisans. The rich, fiery orange hue of the bowl is sure to add a pop of color to any space. The bowl is thick and heavy and is gorgeous alone or with your favorite fruits inside.

Style: '70s Italian

Materials and Techniques: Murano Glass

Place of Origin: Italy

Period: 1969 to 1979

Date of Manufacture: 1969 to 1979

Dimensions: Diameter 25 cm, Height 14 cm

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